Tee-MDi and Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS) 

What is ESS?

The syndrome designates an overstimulation of the nervous system caused by excessive screen time that influences behavior, mood, and focus. This goes not only for teenagers obsessed with digital devices but even for adults.

Many adults are on their screens between 2 to 6 hours per day and the devices tend to intrude on visual and mental space, sometimes becoming an addiction.

What are the characteristics of the syndrome?

The symptoms mimic any other neurological disorder, but the differential characteristic of ESS is that the symptoms are gone as soon as the disruptive screen influence is removed.

Among troubling signs are:
• changing mood
• headache
• blurry eyes
• foggy brain
• eye strain
• excessive temper tantrums
• poor self-control
• disorganization of behavior
• sleep disorders
• learning difficulties
• depression

Relief using Tee-MDi

Tee-MDi brings about significant relief to the symptoms of ESS by allowing the eye ( and thus the brain) to cease being overstimulated. 

The thermotherapy, acupressure and vibratory massage, when coupled with the complete absence of light, allows the eyeball and muscles surrounding the eye to relax ( all kick starting the much needed parasympathetic response) 

How to use the device

The ideal protocol is to use twice daily for periods of 15 minutes. 
Lunch and prior to sleep are ideal but the device can be used following an extended period of screen exposure. 

Lay down in a quiet environment and turn the device on using the relaxation mode. 

Addition of white noise using Bluetooth can make the treatment even more effective.